表现: expression; representation; ...得: need表现得不好: put up a poor show表现得很坚强: bear up well表现得有礼貌: behave oneself做得好;表现好: do well (in)表现得非常勇敢: show a lot of courage表现得古怪过火: overact grotesquely表现得光明正大: ebli ebli/ adv: acquit oneself honourablyy表现得特别亲切: make a display of one's affection表现得正大光明: play fair and square你就表现得疯狂: madness is what you demonstrate表现得神气十足的人: a stuffed shirt表现得像无理性的野兽: behave like an irrational animal当某人表现得十分无礼时: when someone is discourteous当他人表现得十分自负时: when someone is overconfident你该表现得更成熟些: you should behave more maturely虽然他表现得不太明显: in unobvious ways我要表现得象位女士: i am acting like a lady在困境中表现得很坚强: bear up well表现得像是很有雄心壮志的人: act like aman/woman inspired在没人的时候表现得稍许孩子气: act childish when nobody is looking自命清高、表现得与众不同的人: goody two shoes得好: tokuyoshi表现: 1.(所显露的行为或作风等) expression; representation; manifestation; show; behaviour; conduct 中华民族的精神及其种种表现 the chinese spirit and its manifold manifestation; 经济是基础, 政治则是经济的集中表现。 economics is the base and politics the concentrated expression of economics. 他因在校的表现好而获奖。 he won a prize for good behaviour at school.2.(显露; 表示出来) show; express; display; manifest 集中表现 epitomize; express in a focalized way; 一贯表现积极 be always active; always show great initiative; 表现出极大的勇敢和智慧 display immense courage and wisdom; 表现出优秀的品质 (of persons) show fine qualities; 表现无遗 reveal all without omission; 他无私的精神表现在各个方面。 his selfless spirit is revealed in every thing he does. 他在工作中表现很好。 he is doing very well in his work. 敌人是一定要寻找机会表现他们自己的。 the enemy will invariably seek opportunities to assert himself.3.(故意显示自己) show off 好表现 be fond of showing off; 表现度 expressivity; 表现派 expressionism; 表现手法 technique of expression; 表现特征 performance characteristic; 表现物 manifestation; 表现型 [遗传学] phenotype; 表现形式 form of expression; manifestation; 表现行为 expression behaviour; 表现性状 phene; 表现主义 expressionism