补过: make up for a mistake; make ...不: a block of wood嫌: suspicion晚: evening; night改过不嫌晚: it's never too late to mend学不嫌晚: it is the unexpected that always happens改过不嫌迟: it is never too late to mend学习永远不嫌晚。活到老学到老: it is never too late to learn补过: (弥补过失) make up for a mistake [fault]; make amends for mistakes过不去: 1.(不能通过) cannot get through; be unable to get by; be impassable:道路阻塞了,车子过不去。the road was blocked, no car could pass.2.(为难) find fault with; be hard on; make it difficult for; embarrass 他有意跟我过不去。 he deliberately made things difficult for me. 我们批评你, 是为了帮助你, 绝不是跟你过不去。 we criticized you because we wanted to help you, not in order to find fault with you. 他老和我过不去。 he picks on me all the time.3.(过意不去) feel sorry 不必十分过不去。 don't take it so much to heart. 让大家等了这么半天, 我心里很过不去。 i'm awfully sorry to have kept you all waiting for such a long time将功补过: make amends for previous faults by some good services; atone for one's past crimes; expiate and atone for one's wrongdoing by zealous service to the country; lenient consideration for a person's mistakes in view of his past [future] achievements; make amends for one's faults by good deeds; make amends for one's previous faults by giving good service弥补过失: offering to make amends; smooth over a fault求补过程: complement procedure填补过程: filling in process; fillingin processs退思补过: think of ... after retiring and amend errors不嫌词费: speak voluminously; dwell on; talk at length不嫌旧恶: forget all the past quarrel [ill will; enmity]; sink a feud不嫌其烦: go out of one's way (to help sb.); (answer sb.'s questions) with endless patience儿不嫌母丑: a mother never looks ugly to her son礼不嫌多: no one is offended by too much politeness梦想不嫌大: dream big学不嫌老: one is never too old to learn学问不嫌老: one is never too old to learn学习不嫌老: you are never too old to learn修补过的程序: patched program