Cases of syndrome - differentiating and treating of invigorating - qi tonifying - spleen therapy 益气补脾法证治举隅
Treatment for 30 cases of chronical renal failure for aged with combination methods of bu pishen huayu and xiezhuo 补脾肾化瘀泻浊法治疗老年慢性肾功衰竭30例
Discussion on invigorating the kidney inferior to invigorating the spleen and invigorating the spleen inferior to invigorating the kidney 论补肾不如补脾与补脾不如补肾
Treatment of children ' s enuresis caused by occult vertebrae fissure by warming and invigorating spleen and kidney in combination with massage in 30 cases 温补脾肾配合推拿疗法治疗隐性骶椎裂引起的小儿遗尿症30例
Experimental research on mitogen - activated protein kinase in heart , liver , brain of rats with spleen - yang deficiency syndrome and effective mechanism of chinese herbs for reinforcing spleen - qi 活性变化及温补脾阳方药对其影响的实验研究
补: repair; mend; patch脾: spleen补脾丸: spleen nourishing bolus补脾胃: tonifying spleen and stomach补脾气法: splenic-qi-nourishing technique补脾摄血: hemostasis by invigorating the spleen补脾益肺: invigorate the spleen to benefit the lung; invigorating the spleen to benefit the lung; reinforce the spleen to benefit the lung; reinforcethespleentobenefitthelung补脾益气: invigorating spleen and replenishing qi健脾,益脾,补脾: invigorating spleen温补脾肾: pryetic tonification of spleen and kidney温补脾胃: pryetic tonification of spleen and stomach; warm and invigorate the spleen and stomach温补脾阳: warmly invigorating spleen yang滋补脾胃: nourishing spleen and stomach滋补脾阴: nourishing spleen yin补脾益气,补中益气: tonifying spleen for nourishing qi培土生金,补脾益肺: supplementing spleen to nourish lung根茎药用,补脾润肺,强壮滋补,玉竹: p. ordoratum补气止血,补气摄血,补益摄血,补脾摄血: invigorating qi for hemorrhagia补赔, 追加索赔: additional claim补牌: anew issue license; anew issue plate补拍镜头: pickups补拍: re shooting; reshoot补内胎用合成剂: tire repairing compositions