

[ xiánwěixiāngsuí ] 发音:   "衔尾相随"的汉语解释   用"衔尾相随"造句
  • walk in indian file; follow one after another; proceed like a school of fishes one after another; walk one after the other
  • :    hold in the mouth
  • :    hairs on a horse's tail spik ...
  • 相随:    take my heart
  • 尾部;尾相:    end portion
  • 爱相随:    accompanied by love; follow love; follow with love; love follow us; love follows us; love mutually with; together love


        :    hold in the mouth
        :    hairs on a horse's tail spik ...
        相随:    take my heart
        尾部;尾相:    end portion
        爱相随:    accompanied by love; follow love; follow with love; love follow us; love follows us; love mutually with; together love
        伴相随:    cruisin
        相随的:    adjoining; attendant
        永相随:    forever at your feet; tilltheendoftime; time to say goodbye
        首尾相接,首尾相对:    end or mend
        首尾相顾:    guard both ends (at the same time); end to end; look after both ends; the beginning and end correspond (with each other)
        首尾相接:    last letter
        首尾相连:    end to end
        首尾相连的:    nose-to-tail
        首尾相应:    head and tail [beginning and end] corresponding with each other
        头尾相接:    end to end; head to tail
        头尾相撞:    rear-endcollision
        爱与泪相随:    nada sou sou; tears for you
        今生相随:    viento se llevó
        快乐爱相随:    happy together
        让爱相随:    let there be love
        誓爱相随:    ipledgemylove
        我与你相随:    where's you, there's me
        惜福相随:    show gratitude and cherish blessings
        相随变数:    concomitant variate
        形影相随:    follow (up) like a shadow; attend as closely as a shadow; be in constant company like (the) body and (the) shadow; follow sb. wherever he goes; keep close at one's side; never to leave each other's side; one's toes are always at the other's heels.; two persons inseparable, like object and its shadow; wherever [everywhere] a goes, b goes


        衔尾相随的韩语:【성어】 뒤따르는 말의 재갈이 앞말의 꼬리를 따르는 것과 같이 앞뒤로 줄지어서 가다. 꼬리를 물다. 꼬리를 잇다.
        衔尾相随的俄语:pinyin:xiánwěixiāngsuí (идти) вплотную друг за другом (первоначально: головой к хвосту, о животных); (следовать) гуськом (непрерывной чередой)
        衔尾相随什么意思:xián wěi xiāng suí 【解释】马嚼子接着马尾巴。形容一个紧跟着一个,成单行前进。 【出处】《汉书·匈奴传》:“如遇险阻,衔尾相随。” 【拼音码】xwxs


  1. "衔铁粘着"英文
  2. "衔铁振动"英文
  3. "衔铁支承"英文
  4. "衔铁支枢"英文
  5. "衔铁止挡"英文
  6. "衔冤"英文
  7. "衔冤而死"英文
  8. "衔着烟斗"英文
  9. "衔姿势"英文
  10. "舷"英文


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