

发音:   用"行军纪律"造句
  • march discipline
  • 行军:    march
  • 纪律:    discipline
  • 【军事】行军纪律。:    road discipline
  • 军纪, 军事, 纪律:    military discipline
  • 军纪:    military discipline 违犯军纪 breach of military discipline; 士兵受军纪约束。 soldiers are governed by military discipline. 不惩治他会败坏军纪。 it would be corrupting military discipline to leave him unpunished


        行军:    march
        纪律:    discipline
        【军事】行军纪律。:    road discipline
        军纪, 军事, 纪律:    military discipline
        军纪:    military discipline 违犯军纪 breach of military discipline; 士兵受军纪约束。 soldiers are governed by military discipline. 不惩治他会败坏军纪。 it would be corrupting military discipline to leave him unpunished
        行军:    (of troops) march 急行军 rapid march; 行军的速率 quick time; 强行军 a forced march; 夜行军 night march; march by night; 行军通过农村的部队 troops on the march through a village; 该团在行军中。 the regiment is on the march.; 行军床 camp bed; camp cot; tent bed; cot; 行军锅 field caldron; 行军壶 canteen; 行军灶 field kitchen
        纪律:    discipline 劳动纪律 labour discipline; labour regulations; 加强纪律性 heighten one's sense of discipline; 遵守纪律 keep [observe] discipline; 那位教师无法维持课堂纪律。 the teacher can't keep discipline in her classroom. 军人必须学会遵守纪律。 soldiers have to learn discipline.; 纪律检查委员会 commission for inspecting discipline
        军纪棒:    night stick
        不服从军纪:    against army discipline
        海军纪念日:    navy day
        海军纪事:    naval record
        解放军纪委:    pla committee for disciplinary inspection
        军纪法庭:    summary court martial
        军纪监察科:    military discipline and ethics section
        陆军纪要:    el memorial del ejercito; memorial del ejercito el; memorial del ejercito, el
        苏军纪念碑:    monument to the soviet army the; monument to the soviet army, the
        违犯军纪:    breach of military discipline
        长行军:    the long march
        急行军:    rapid march 部队急行军, 一夜走了一百里。 the detachment made a rapid march of 100 li in one night
        强行军:    [军事] forced march
        行进,行军:    march
        行军车:    camp bad; camp bed
        行军虫:    army worm; armyworm
        行军床:    camp bed; charpoy; tent bed; tentbed
        行军的:    forced


  1. "行军锅"英文
  2. "行军壶"英文
  3. "行军壶water"英文
  4. "行军季节"英文
  5. "行军计划"英文
  6. "行军警戒"英文
  7. "行军警戒分队"英文
  8. "行军口粮"英文
  9. "行军乐"英文
  10. "行军礼"英文


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