

发音:   用"行军中"造句


  1. In that last painful march they had not forgotten that they were scientists as well as explorers .
  2. The detective detected that the arch was under the marching arctic architects ' protection
  3. Though the wording of the order did not seem quite clear to the general in command of the regiment , and the question arose whether they were to take it to mean , in marching order or not , it was decided on a consultation between the majors to present the regiment in parade order on the ground , since , as the saying is , it is better to bow too low than not to bow low enough
  4. I think it my duty to report to your majesty the condition of the various corps under my observation on the march the last two or three days . they are almost disbanded . hardly a quarter of the men remain with the flags of their regiments ; the rest wander off on their own account in different directions , trying to seek food and to escape discipline


        行军:    march
        :    hit; fit exactly
        行军中, 进行中:    on the march
        在行军中:    on the march
        该团在行军中:    the regiment is on the march
        行军中的侧翼:    marching flank
        行军:    (of troops) march 急行军 rapid march; 行军的速率 quick time; 强行军 a forced march; 夜行军 night march; march by night; 行军通过农村的部队 troops on the march through a village; 该团在行军中。 the regiment is on the march.; 行军床 camp bed; camp cot; tent bed; cot; 行军锅 field caldron; 行军壶 canteen; 行军灶 field kitchen
        长行军:    the long march
        急行军:    rapid march 部队急行军, 一夜走了一百里。 the detachment made a rapid march of 100 li in one night
        强行军:    [军事] forced march
        行进,行军:    march
        行军车:    camp bad; camp bed
        行军虫:    army worm; armyworm
        行军床:    camp bed; charpoy; tent bed; tentbed
        行军的:    forced
        行军锅:    field caldron
        行军壶:    canteen
        行军乐:    field music
        行军礼:    give a salute
        行军瘤:    march tumor; syndesmitis metatarsea
        行军图:    march map
        行军靴:    walking boots
        行军蚁:    army ant
        行军灶:    field kitchen
        行军足:    forced foot; march foot; marchfoot


  1. "行军靴"英文
  2. "行军蚁"英文
  3. "行军蚁亚科"英文
  4. "行军灶"英文
  5. "行军战斗变换器"英文
  6. "行军中, 进行中"英文
  7. "行军中的侧翼"英文
  8. "行军足"英文
  9. "行俊"英文
  10. "行开始"英文


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