Behaviourism leaves out of account consciousness and introspection . 行为主义不把意识和内省考虑在内。
Behaviorism claims that consciousness is neither a definite nor a usable concept . 行为主义认为意识既不是一个确定的概念,也不是一个可用的概念。
Philosophical behaviourists have generally identified mental facts with dispositions to behaviour . 哲学行为主义者一般把精神(心理)方面的事实和行为的意向看成一致。
The behaviorist program and the issues it spawned all but eliminated any serious research in cognitive psychology for 40 years . 行为主义的纲领和它所酿成的各种争端,都只不过消灭了认知心理学四十年来的任何重大研究。