行业: trade; profession; industry期刊: journal; periodical专业期刊, 行业杂志: professional journal农业期刊: farm journal专业期刊: professional periodicals加拿大商业期刊索引: cbpi加拿大商业期刊检索数据库: cbpi canadian business periodicals index期刊: journal; periodical 外文期刊 foreign languages periodicals; 现期刊订阅 current subscription; 续订的期刊 renewed subscription; 期刊中的书评 periodical book reviews; 最近的期刊 current periodicals; 季刊是每3个月出版一次的期刊。 the quarterly magazine is a periodical published every three months期刊a: journal of physics a复业期: re-establishment period施业期: working plan period修业期: time营业期: business term职业期: occupational tenure作业期: operational period行业: trade; profession; industry 服务行业 service trades; 行业工会 trades union; 行业规划 programs for different trades; 行业习惯 usage of trade; 行业语 jargon; cant 筹备复业期: re-establishment period失业期限: duration of unemployment修业期满: completion study period修业期限: study period营业期限: term of business等期刊: china daily shanghai daily订期刊: requesting a subscription from a magazine agent美期刊: journal of the american medical association期刊b: journal of physics b