Recommended guidelines on infection control for skin penetration practice 皮肤穿刺行业控制感染建议指引
Spiral gate is a powder , grain materials , particulate matter and the small volume of material throughput of the main control equipment widely used in the metallurgy , mining , building materials , food , chemical and other industries control the rapid flow changes or cut off 螺旋闸门是一种粉料、晶粒料、颗粒料及小块物料的流量或输送量的主要控制设备,广泛使用在冶金、矿山、建材、粮食、化工等行业控制流量变化或迅速切断。
The series gates and valves are newly developed latest products utilising advanced driving techniques for easy and reliable operation . being compact with fine exterior plastic - sprayed suface for permanent protection against corrosion . they are therefore ideal equipments for controlling material flow rate and flow direction in grain and food industry 系列闸、阀门是最新研制的新产品,采用先进的传动方法,启闭灵活,可靠,结构紧凑,外表美观、防腐蚀力强,是粮食和食品加工等行业控制物流量和流向的理想设备。
During the designing of the electricity control system , the thesis used the mode that made up of monitor system and control system , formatted a network that is combined by far concentrates control system and nearly control system . the monitor system chooses the functional monitoring software - the king monitor and the man - machine interface , which operated conveniently . and the control system chooses dependably programmable logic controller and advance profibus fieldbus to completely control the spot equipments . author hopes the thesis ' s researches can do a little for the development of the water power control technique , and the combination of the hydraulic technique and the advanced technique , author also hoping heartily the control technique of the our country develop quickly 上位机选用功能强大的工控组态软件? ?组态王和操作方便灵活的触摸屏。下位机则采用可靠性高的可编程控制器和先进的profibus现场总线完成对现场设备的控制。作者希望通过该课题的研究,能够对水电行业控制技术的发展,对液压技术与当今先进技术更好的相结合,起到一定的促进作用,也衷心地希望我国的控制技术取得飞速的发展。