含血肉: dark meat血肉汤: blood bouillon; blood broth; blood-bouillon血肉汁: blood broth花之血肉: flowers of flesh and blood我的血肉: my flesh and blood血肉般的: flesh-and-blood血肉编制: fleshweave血肉长城: cast a giant shadow; judith血肉的保护: flesh ward血肉横飞: flesh and blood flying in all directions; bodies are blown to pieces; with much bloodshed: “砰”, 一颗手榴弹把那一伙当官的炸得血肉横飞。 then with a loud explosion a hand-grenade immediately blew the whole group of officers into a disorderly pile of dead bodies血肉傀儡: flesh golem血肉模糊: badly mutilated血肉磨坊: blooded treasury fight血肉森林: cabin fever; wrong turn 2血肉相连: be related by flesh and blood; as close as flesh and blood; be inseparably linked to ...; be linked by flesh-and-blood ties; be very intimately linked to each other; have flesh-and-blood ties; it's a flesh-and-blood link with ....; link together as flesh and blood; maintain a flesh-and-blood relationship; with common joys and sorrows 他们和群众血肉相连, 休戚与共。 they maintain the closest relations with the masses and share their weal and woe血肉战场: hamburger hill血肉之路: the way of all flesh血肉之躯: flesh and blood; manos, huesos y sangre血肉之躯;肉体: flesh and blood血肉之躯;身体: flesh and blood血肉之网: fleshweave乱切,乱砍,弄伤(血肉模糊): mangle葡萄糖血肉汤琼脂: glucose blood-bouillon agar骨中骨,肉中肉;血肉相连;关系密切: bone of one’s bone and flesh of one’s flesh血绒膜胎盘: hemochorial placenta血绒毛膜的: hemochorial