Empirical study on electrolyte contents of exterior and interior of red blood cell of damp blockage of middle energizer model rats 紫霄平痤颗粒治疗血热湿毒瘀阻型痤疮116例临床研究
Blood stasis can be caused either by asthenia and stagnation of qi , blood - cold and blood - heat or by endogenous and exogenous injury and extravasation of blood due to blood - heat 瘀血或由气虚、气滞、血寒、血热等原因所造成,或由内外伤或血热妄行等原因所引起。
Actions & indications : clears heat and dries fire , drains dampness , stops bleeding , calms fetus , lower liver yang , for jaundice , hypertension , anxiety , headache due to cold or flu , prostate cancer , breast cancer , red eyes and sore throat , cough and asthma due to heat syndromes 主治:去湿热?止血?安胎?降肝阳之火?治烦躁不安?血压高?前列腺癌?乳痈,风热湿热头痛,热嗽喉腥,定喘嗽,黄疸,血热,吐,衄,崩,漏,目赤肿痛,乳痈,一般癌症。
The disorder of blood includes deficient blood production , blood deficiency caused by massive hemorrhage , over consumption of blood caused by prolonged illness , or dysfunction of blood nourishment ; it also includes the accelerated blood circulation caused by blood heat and blood stasis caused by sluggish blood circulation 血液失常包括血的生化不足,大量失血引起的血虚,长期疾病引起的过度血液损耗或是血液的营养功能失调;也包括血热迫血妄行和血液循环缓慢引起的血瘀。
血: blood出血热: hemorrhage fever; hemorrhagic fevers氮血热: azothermia清血热: removing heat from blood血热证: blood-heat syndrome; syndrome of heat in the blood system簿性出血热: viral hemorrhagic fevers出血热病毒: hemorrhagic fever virus出血热簿: haemorrhagic fever virus; hemorrhagic fever virus; hemorrhagic fevers virus登草出血热: dengue haemorrhagic fever登革出血热: dengue hemorrhagic fever; dhf非洲出血热: africa hemorrhagic fever猴出血热簿: shf virus; simian hemorrhagic fever virus列性出血热: epidemic hemorrhagic fever蒙古出血热: mhf南美出血热: south american hemorrhagic fever人出血热簿: viral haemorrhagic fever viruses of man日本出血热: japanese hemorrhagic fever泰国出血热: thai hemorrhagic fever蚊传出血热: mosquito-borne hemorrhagic fever下焦血热: pathogenic heat in the blood of the middle heater血热崩漏: hemopyretic metrorrhagia; metrorrhagia due to blood-heat; profuse uterine bleeding due to blood-heat血热不得卧: hemopyretic insomnia血热肠燥证: syndrome of intestine dryness due to blood heat血热盗汗: hemopyretic night sweating血染芙蓉谷: battle in lotus valley血染雪山红: the heroes of telemark