的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...血淋淋的尖刺: scream bloody core血淋淋的上帝: godgorysabbath血淋淋的安息日: sabbath bloody我血淋淋的情人节: my bloody valentine血淋淋的, 满是血的, 血污的: gory血淋淋: 1.(鲜血不断地流的样子) dripping with blood; bloody; bloodily2.(比喻严酷; 惨酷) bloody; bloodily浑身湿淋淋的: get dripping wet湿淋淋的衣服: dripping clothes流了一点血血淋淋: dripping with blood水的, 湿的, 平淡的, 稀薄的, 水淋淋的: watery他被雨淋得全身湿淋淋的: he was drenched through with rain淋淋: dripping 湿淋淋的衣服 dripping clothes血淋: bloody gonorrhea; bloody stranguria; stranguria complicated by hematuria汗淋淋: wet with sweat湿淋淋: dripping wet; drenched 湿淋淋的衣服 sopping wet clothes; 浑身湿淋淋的 get dripping wet; 他被雨淋得全身湿淋淋的。 he was drenched through with rain水淋淋: dripping with water血淋巴: blood lymph; blood-lymph; haemolymph; hemal gland; hemloymph; hemolymph冰淇淋的: ice-cream加冰淇淋的: alamode产后血淋: puerperal bloody stranguria出血淋巴结: hemolymph gland狗血淋头: pour dog's blood on ...; be cursed by ..含菌血淋巴: bacillemia外周血淋巴: pbl