

发音:   用"血淋巴的"造句
  • hemolymphatic
  • :    blood
  • 淋巴:    lymph
  • :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
  • 血淋巴:    blood lymph; blood-lymph; haemolymph; hemal gland; hemloymph; hemolymph
  • 淋巴的:    lymphatic; lymphoid; lymphous


  1. Study on the immunological and antibacterial activity of hemolymph from housefly larva
  2. 1 . physical changes of hemolymph of p . americanna after injection with m . anisopliae the ph value of hemolymph of p . americanna increased rapidly from ph6 . 8 to ph 7 . 0 and the number of hemocytes ( nh ) of p . americanna at all the developing stages became lower than the blank control ( bc ) after injection with 4 + 107 / ml fungal spores
    1注射绿僵菌孢子后蜚蠊血淋巴物理性质的变化蜚蠊若虫血淋巴ph值为ph6 . 8 ,注射4 10 ~ 7个/ ml浓度的绿僵菌孢子到蜚蠊体内后,蜚蠊血淋巴的ph值上升到ph7 . 2 。
  3. No trace of any newly expressed protein band was noticed in supernant as well as in the cells by sds - page , except the verification of the substitution of beta - galactosidase gene ( the lose of galactosidase protein band ) , which is a selective marker of the wild - type virus . elisa test results suggested the expression of egf in cells , but not in culture supernant . the quantitative calculation suggested the expressed egf was about 6 - 7 u g ( as egf standard ) per flask ( 2 > < 106 cells ) in the cellular extract
    将重组病毒rbmbacph - egf以10moi感染bmn细胞, 72小时后收集培养细胞和上清;培养上清和经超声波处理的细胞样品elisa检测发现胞内样品中存在能与egf抗体免疫反应的产物,粗略估计表达量约6 7 g 2 10 ~ 6个细胞(相当于egf标准品) ;重组病毒rbmbacph - egf穿刺接种5龄家蚕幼虫,每隔24h收集蚕血淋巴,经elisa检测发现第4天表达量最高,根据egf标准曲线计算蚕血淋巴的表达量约32 g ml ; elisa定性实验还发现正常蚕血也存在与egf抗体间交叉反应的物质。
  4. The hemolymph immune reaction of american cockroach to the entomopathogenic fungus , metarhizium anisopliae isolate cqma102 , which is broadly used in locust control , was studied in the research . the results will enrich our knowledge about insect immune mechanism and the insecticidal mechanism of entomofungus . they will also be the fundamental work for insecticide development
    本研究以重要的室内蜚蠊种类? ?美洲大蠊( periplanetaamericana )为实验材料,采用蜚蠊的非致病菌? ?金龟子绿僵菌( metarhiziumanisopliae ) cqma102菌株作为供试菌,较系统地研究了绿僵菌孢子进入蜚蠊体腔后(点滴和注射处理) ,蜚蠊血淋巴某些理化性质的改变、血淋巴的免疫反应以及蜚蠊的行为反应等,有助为研究昆虫的抗病机理和生物杀虫剂的杀虫机理,同时也为生物杀虫剂的开发提供了必要的基础。



  1. "血鳞察镜"英文
  2. "血鳞营地"英文
  3. "血淋"英文
  4. "血淋巴"英文
  5. "血淋巴, 血浆"英文
  6. "血淋巴毒素"英文
  7. "血淋巴节"英文
  8. "血淋巴结"英文
  9. "血淋巴腺"英文
  10. "血淋巴织增生"英文


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