血泪: tears of blood症: disease; illness流泪症: epiphora血泪仇: vengeful feelings nurtured by blood and tears雏孤血泪: orphans of the storm荡姬血泪: pinky孤雏血泪: sorrowful orphans孤星血泪: an orphan's tragedy; great expectations红颜血泪: introducing dorothy dandridge华工血泪史: land of destiny情天血泪: sad love stories; tragedy of love系列-孤星血泪: discovery great expectations血泪斑斑: with spots of tears and blood; replete [stained] with blood and tears 血泪斑斑, 苦难重重 in the abyss of untold sufferings; untold sufferings stained with blood and tears血泪的控诉: fontane effi briest血泪恩仇录: blood and tears血泪黄花: tears and flowers血泪家史: family history of blood and tears (in the old society)血泪控诉: a mother's testimony血泪情仇: searing passion血泪情花: rivals in love血泪人生: a tearful life血泪洗残脂: blood, love, tears; blood, rouge, and tears血泪央求: pray to sb. with tears of blood血泪鸳鸯: lovers血泪种情花: love with tears