血: blood染: dye血染的: ensanguined; sanguinolent(含)血的;血染的: sanguinolent碧血染亲儿: my son in bloodshed侧腹壁血染: blood staining of lateral abdominal wall角膜血染: blood staining of cornea; cornea cruenta; hemachromatosis corneae经前后血染: pre and postmenstrual bleeding咳出血染痰: expectoration of blood stained sputum; expectoration of blood tinged sputum脐周区血染: blood staining of periumbilical area尸横血染: dead bodies lie in the streets and blood stains the road血染楚王宫: bloodshed in the cho palace血染的风采: bloodstained glory血染的季节: a dry white season血染的烟花: blood and fireworks血染的摇篮: mother's boy血染的造物: the scarlet creation血染的争斗: bloodred conflict血染断肠碑: the blood-soaked tomb血染钢刀: a blood stained knife血染孤城: bloodshed in a besieged citadel血染海棠红: blood-stained begonia血染河山: blood dyed the mountains and rivers red血染黄金: blood money血染黄沙: drench the desert sand with one's blood; the battlefield is stained with blood.; the countryside was drenched with blood