

[ xuèfen ] 发音:   "血分"的汉语解释   用"血分"造句
  • the blood phase
  • the blood system
  • xuefen
  • :    blood
  • :    component
  • 血分析:    haemanalysis
  • 血分症:    symptoms at the blood phase
  • 血分证:    syndrome of the blood system; xuefen syndrome


  1. Methods anticoagulant fresh blood was filled into coped - tubes and send out to all labs


        :    blood
        :    component
        血分析:    haemanalysis
        血分症:    symptoms at the blood phase
        血分证:    syndrome of the blood system; xuefen syndrome
        动脉血分压:    partial pressure in arterial blood
        喷血分数:    ejection fraction; ejectionfraction
        清血分之热:    suppress heat in the blood system
        热迫血分:    heat invading the blood phase
        热入血分:    heat attacking blood phase; heat attacking xuefen; heat evil attacks the blood; invasion of heat into the blood phase; re ru xue fen heat entering the blood phase
        射血分数:    ef; ejection fraction
        心射血分数:    cardiac ejection fraction
        血分光镜:    hematoscof; hematoscope
        血分热毒:    heat toxin at the blood phase; virulent pyropathogen; xue fen re du blood division heat toxins
        血分热盛:    domination of evil heat in the blood system; excessive heat in the blood system; excessive heat in the blood systme; hyperpyrexia in xuefen
        血分有寒:    cold at the blood phase
        血分瘀热:    evil heat accumulated in the blood; evil heat accumulation in the blood; heat stasis at blood phase; heat stasis at the blood phase; pathogenic heat accumulated in the blood system; pyroretention in xuefen; xue fen yu re blood division static heat
        血寒,血分寒:    hematic cold
        血蒸,血热,血分热:    hemopyrexia
        静动脉血分流:    venous-arterial shunt
        静息射血分数:    ejection fraction at rest
        局部射血分数:    regional ejection fraction
        善疗血分之疾:    good at treating the blood system
        心室射血分数:    ventricular ejection fraction
        血分光镜检查:    hemato ectroscopy; hematospectroscopy


        血分的韩语:(1)[명사]〈생물〉 월경의 다른 이름. =[血份] (2)[형용사] 혈색이 좋다.
        血分的俄语:pinyin:xuèfen см. 血經
        血分什么意思:  1.  指血液。    ▶ 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记‧如是我闻二》: “虚证种种不同, 而参之性则专有所主……以荣卫而论, 参惟至气分, 而血分不至焉。”    2.  俗谓血经。    ▶ 《红楼梦》第八十回: “﹝ 香菱 ﹞虽然在 薛蟠 房中几年, 皆因血分中有病, 是以并无胎孕。...


  1. "血防线"英文
  2. "血放射性浓度象"英文
  3. "血非蛋白氮"英文
  4. "血肥"英文
  5. "血酚"英文
  6. "血分光镜"英文
  7. "血分光镜检查"英文
  8. "血分热毒"英文
  9. "血分热盛"英文
  10. "血分析"英文


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