

  • dilator muscle of pupil
  • iridodilator
  • musculus dilator pupillae


        虹膜:    iris; irides
        扩大:    expansion; amplify; upstep; ...
        :    muscle; flesh
        虹膜扩大剂:    iridodilator
        瞳孔扩大肌:    dilator muscle of pupil; pupillary dilator muscle
        瞳孔散大肌,瞳孔扩大肌:    dilatator pupillae; pupil dilatator muscles
        虹膜:    [生理学] iris; irides◇虹膜固定术 iridodesis; iridesis; iridosis; 虹膜镜 iridoscope; 虹膜切除术 iridectomy; 虹膜切开术 irotomy; 虹膜炎 iritis
        扩大:    expansion; amplify; upstep; broaden; expand; extend; enlarge; dilate; swell; multiply; ribbing; widen 扩大财源 open up new sources of revenue; 扩大地方管理权限 enlarging the managerial powers of the localities; 扩大交易额 expand the turn-over; 扩大接触 broaden [widen] one's contacts; 扩大统一战线 broaden the united front; 扩大业务 enlarge business; 对华贸易的扩大 trade expansion with china; 扩大眼界 open the mind; widen one's outlook; broaden one's horizons; take a wider view; 扩大营业 extend one's business; 扩大再生产 expanded reproduction; 扩大战果 exploit the victory; 扩大政治影响 extend political influence; 将来业务扩大需要建造两个新工厂。 future expansion of the business calls for two new factories. 这个国家以惊人的速度扩大其商船队。 the state has extended her merchant fleet phenomenally.; 扩大服务项目 outreach; 扩大核查 amplified verification; 扩大镜 magnascope; 扩大器 aggrandizer; 扩大市场 expand the market; 扩大视野 broaden one's vision [horizon]; 扩大物 increaser; 扩大销路 expand sales
        大肌肉:    gross-motor activities
        开大肌:    dilatator; dilator muscle
        颧大肌:    greater zygomatic muscle; major zygomatic muscle; musculus zygomaticus major; zygomaticus major muscle
        臀大肌:    gluteus maximus; ectogluteus; musculus glutaeus maximus
        胸大肌:    [解剖学] pectoralis major; pectoralis; ectopectoralis
        腰大肌:    greater psoas muscle; major psoas muscle; musculi psoas major; musculus psoas major; psoas major muscle; psoas muscles
        薄膜扩散:    film diffusion
        薄膜扩展剂:    tfsa; thin film spreading agent
        巩膜扩张:    peripapillary scleral ectasia; scleral ectasia
        角膜扩张:    corneal ectasia; keratectasia; keratoectasis
        膜扩散法:    barrier diffusion method
        气体膜扩散:    gaseous barrier diffusion
        全巩膜扩张:    ectasia sclerae totalis
        鼻孔开大肌:    dilator muscle of naris; dilator muscle of nose; dilator naris
        侧展胸大肌:    side chest
        耳甲开大肌:    dilator conchae
        耳轮大肌:    helicis major muscle; musculus helicis major


  1. "虹膜开大"英文
  2. "虹膜颗粒"英文
  3. "虹膜可变光阑"英文
  4. "虹膜括约肌"英文
  5. "虹膜括约肌切开术"英文
  6. "虹膜扩大剂"英文
  7. "虹膜老年性变性"英文
  8. "虹膜冷冻疗法"英文
  9. "虹膜粒"英文
  10. "虹膜良性黑变病"英文


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