

发音:   "虱虫"的汉语解释   用"虱虫"造句


  1. The passage to the conciergerie was short and dark ; the night in its vermin - haunted cells was long and cold
  2. The results are summarized as follows . solid culture . in preliminary experiments , broomcorn millets ( yielded by the crop panicum miliaceum l . ) and foxtail millets ( yielded by the crop setaria italica l . ) were determined as optimal substrate for solid culture of p . delphacis
    主要研究内容和结果分述如下:固体培养筛选确定了以黍米( panicummiliaceuml . ,俗称黄米)和粟米( setariaitalical . ,俗称小米)为最适固体培养基质,对飞虱虫疠霉进行了成功的繁殖试验。
  3. The entomophthoralean fungus , pandora delphacis ( hori ) humber , ( zygomycotina : entomophthorales ) is an insect pathogen specific to homopteran insects such as planthoppers , leafhoppers , and aphids and frequently cause epizootics in insect populations . problems with propagation of inocula at a low cost , but high efficiency , have been a technical obstacle to progress for entomophthoralean study and utilization for a long run
    虱虫疠霉( pandoradelphacis ( hori ) humber )是同翅目昆虫的专性昆虫病原真菌,分类上属于接合菌亚门( zygomycotina )的虫霉目( entomophthorales ) ,常引发飞虱、叶蝉的流行病,也侵染蚜虫、沫蝉等寄主。
  4. The present study was aimed to develop a solid - culture - based technology for easy and cheap propagation of p . delphacis f95129 inocula using small grains as substrate for fungal growth . sporulation capacity and timing pattern were relied upon to evaluate culture quality and identify potential factors to affect the quality . infectivity or virulence of inocula derived from the culture was assayed against the green peach aphid , myzus persicae ( sulzer ) , based on time - dose - mortality modeling
    针对这一普遍性的技术难题,本研究以飞虱虫疠霉f95129菌株为对象,以黍米、粟米为基本材料,探索建立简便易行的侵染体繁殖技术体系,并对培养物进行了产孢潜能及其影响因子的评价以及针对桃蚜( myzuspersicae ( sulzer ) )的侵染性测定和时间?剂量?死亡率模型模拟。



        虱虫什么意思:亦作“虱虫”。  即虱子。    ▶ 杨朔 《昨日的临汾》: “ 张慕陶 是被捕了, 可是小一点的 汉 奸仍然像是寄生在人体上的虱虫, 无耻地蠕动着。”参见“ 虱子 ”。


  1. "虱草花"英文
  2. "虱草子碱"英文
  3. "虱草子生物硷"英文
  4. "虱巢"英文
  5. "虱车轮虫"英文
  6. "虱虫 螨 螨类"英文
  7. "虱传斑疹伤寒, 流行性斑疹伤寒"英文
  8. "虱传播"英文
  9. "虱传播的"英文
  10. "虱传的"英文


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