虚假: false; sham的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...社会: society购买力: purchasing power; buy社会购买力: social purchasing power社会购买力指数: index of social purchasing power虚假购买力: artificial purchasing power; artificialpurchasingpower社会集团购买力: group purchasing power; the purchasing power of a social group虚假的: barmecide; deceptive; false; fictious; fictitious; illusive; illusory; insincere; mendacious; phantom; sham; untrue度假的社会心理方法: sociopsychological approach to vacation购买力: purchasing [buying] power; buy◇购买力平价 purchasing power parity; 购买力平价理论 theory of purchasing power parity; 购买力平价说 purchasing power parity theory控制社会集团购买力: kontrolle f.der kaufkraft ffentlicher institutionen und sozialer gruppen虚假的警报: a false alarm warning or panic about sth which does not happen虚假的契约: contractusimaginarius虚假的热情: factitious enthusiasm虚假的声明: false statement虚假的外表: deceptively good appearance虚假的现象: a fictitious phenomenon虚假的需求: fictitious demand虚假的友谊: hypocritical friendship大量购买力: mass purchasing power大众购买力: mass purchasing power浮动购买力: floating purchasing power腐购买力: floating purchasing power个人购买力: individual purchasing power