This favoured dog wore a collar of gold and drew a soldier's pay . 这条得宠的猎狗还戴上一个金颈圈,领有一份士兵的薪饷。
I don't like to think of him as a hack scribe, writing nonsense from dictation to earn a pitiful subsistence . 我不愿意想象他是一个受雇的文人,根据口述写一些无聊的东西,挣一点可怜的薪饷。
Head personnel services salary 人事服务薪饷组主任
Some say sardonically that combat pay is good and that one can do quite well out of this war 有些人讽刺地说战地的薪饷很不错,人们可藉这次战争赚到很多钱。
Then , as thiers eloquently recounts , he ordered his soldiers pay to be distributed among them in the false russian notes he had counterfeited 随后,据梯也尔花言巧语地叙述,他命令把他伪造的俄国钞票发给他的士兵们作为薪饷。 relevantlemploidecesmoyensparunactedignedeluietdelarmefrancaise , ilfitdistribuerdessecoursauxincendismaislesvivrestanttropprcieuxpourtredonnsdestrangerslaplupartennemis , napolonaimamieuxleurfournirdelargentfinquilssefournissentauxdehors , etilleurfitdistribuerdesroublespapiers