薄: duckweed记: remember; bear in mind; comm ...程序: procedure簿记程序: bookkeeping procedures登记程序: registration procedure; registration process; registration program出错登记程序: error logger过时的库标记程序: outdated library flag routine助记程序设计语言: mnemonic programming language薄记: book-keep标记程序只读存储器: mark-program read-only memory船舶所有权登记程序条件: condition of owner ship registration procedure; condition of owner shiregistration procedure; conditionofownershipregistrationprocedure记程仪: log薄记,记帐,薄记学: bookkeeping薄记学: bookkeeping薄记员: book keeper; book-keeper薄记交易: book keeping transaction薄记用纸: statement ledger薄记制度: book keeping system; bookkeeping system材料薄记员: stores ledger clerk单式薄记: book by single entry; book keeping by single entry; bookkeeping by single entry; single entry bookkeeping复式薄记: book by double entry; book keeping by double entry; bookkeeping by double entry工厂(业)薄记: factory book dipping工业薄记: industry bookkeeping管理薄记: bookkeeping operation活页薄记机: book keeping machine