Gongdelin dishes are characterized by : raw materials to the " three kind of mushrooms " , " six kind of fungus , " " fresh fruits and vegetables " , " class of deep processing of soybean products , " gongdelin makes food or makes production do not use ( chicken , duck , fish , meat , eggs , green onions , ginger and garlic , chives , 蕖 ) , all depends on ingredients , the process of processing and cooking techniques , nutrition , create a reasonable delicious , exquisite form , the net - to confound truth delicacies 功德林菜肴的特点是:原料以“三菇” 、 “六耳” 、 “新鲜果蔬” 、 “大豆类深加工制品”为主,制作中严格遵守不用“大五荤、小五荤”的规戒(大五荤:鸡、鸭、鱼、肉、蛋;小五荤:葱、姜、蒜、韭、蕖) ,全凭配料、加工和烹制过程的技法,创出一道道营养合理,鲜香纯正,造型精美,以假乱真的净素佳肴。
蔻胺乙醇: myristyl ethanolamine lactate蔺因絮果: the union in marriage of two people is predestined蔻胺乙醇,肉豆蔻胺乙醇乳酸盐: myristyl ethanolamine lactate蔺兴润: lin xinrun蔻比凯蕾: colbie caillat蔺新江: lin xinjiang蔻楚芭丝: ileana cotrubas蔺相如: lin xiangru蔻丹: (染指甲的油) cutex; nail polish蔺文斌: lin wenbin