Mr choy tak - po , senior principal immigration officer 蔡特普先生,高级首席入境事务主任
To solve this puzzle , we and others ? including scott zeitlin of columbia university ? have sought to determine the function of normal huntingtin in the brain 为了解决这个问题,我们和其他研究人员,包括美国哥伦比亚大学的蔡特林,想要确定脑中正常杭丁顿蛋白的功能。
Zeitlin ' s group has also demonstrated that interrupting huntingtin production at various points in a mouse ' s life leads to the death of brain neurons by apoptosis 同时,蔡特林的团队显示,在老鼠生命的不同时期干扰杭丁顿蛋白的生成,都会导致脑神经元因凋亡而死。
Greeting ms wallerbosch and presenting her with a certificate , a plaque , a crystal junk and other special gifts are hktb chairman , the hon mrs selina chow , gbs , obe , jp and commander , airport division of immigration department , mr choy tak - po 旅发局主席周梁淑怡议员及入境事务处机场管制科指挥官蔡特普先生送上纪念证书纪念盾水晶帆船和其他丰富纪念品,并祝愿他们在港享受愉快旅程。