蓬: bitter fleabane a surname布: I cloth; textile卡蓬布: kapumbu坎蓬布: kampumbu帕蓬布: pathas蓬布河: pombo river蓬布斯: pombos贝安蓬布: beampombo基蓬布韦: kipumbwe蓬布拉斯: poumbouras蓬布里昂: pontbriand; pontbriant蓬布里昂湾: pontbriand bay希蓬布伊瓦: chipumbuiva蓬伯兰: phumbaran蓬勃兴起: be surging forward; rise up luxuriantly; energetically; spring up exuberantly蓬勃高涨: vigorous growth; on the rise; in full swing; a rapid emergence蓬勃发展的旅游业: a buoyant level of tourism蓬勃发展的阶段: swing