Massachusetts on september 19 - a famous music master beethoven ' s hair extract made from the carbon element of the blue diamond will conduct charity auction price is 500 , 000 pounds 红网9月19日讯一颗以著名音乐大师贝多芬头发粹取出的碳元素制成的蓝钻石将进行慈善拍卖,叫价50万英镑。
Check the nose part . it should be round around the nose and mouth part , not two " lines " starting from the upper and lower fins , connecting at the mouth like the blue diamond on the top photo . you can check the desired shape for the mouth - nose region on the turn based discus in the right photo 检查鼻子部分,鼻子和嘴的部分应该是圆的,不是两条线从背鳍和腹鳍开始,连接于嘴的地方,就像上图里蓝钻石的样子。你可以从旁边的图中观察到受欢迎的鼻子和嘴的部分。
For the most part he lounged about , dressed in excellent tailored suits of imported goods , a solitaire ring , a fine blue diamond in his tie , a striking vest of some new pattern , and a watch - chain of solid gold , which held a charm of rich design , and a watch of the latest make and engraving 大部分时间里,他在店里悠闲地走动,身上穿的是用进口衣料精工制作的高级服装,戴着单粒钻石戒指,领带上别着一颗漂亮的蓝钻石,引人注目的新潮西装背心,一条足金表链,表链上挂着个造型精巧的小饰物和一个最新款式的挂表。