斑: spot; speck; speckle; stripe ...森: full of trees multitudinous; ...鸠: turtledove斑森: bansen蓝斑: blue stain; locus ceruleus; locus coeruleus; locusceruleus蓝斑核: locus ceruleus; nucleus ceruleus蓝斑肉: blue meat锈质, 蓝斑: substantia ferruginea黑斑森莺: blackburnian白胸森鸠: tambourine dove; turtur tympanistria黑嘴森鸠: black-billed blue-spotted wood-dove; turtur abyssinicus蓝头森鸠: blue-headed dove; turtur brehmeri绿点森鸠: emerald-spotted wood-dove蓝斑,灰斑,锈斑: locus ferrugineus蓝斑(蟹)肉: blue meat蓝斑八色鸫: blue-banded pitta蓝斑下核: subceruleus nucleus蓝斑小(妥鸟)(空鸟): blue-banded toucanet蓝斑皱纹: ruga locus ceruleus蓝斑蜥蜴: jewelled lacerta蓝斑小脑纤维: fibers from locus coerulus to cerebellum仙人掌蓝斑暝: blue cactus borer印经蓝斑格子布: blotch checks