蓄: store up; save up着: wear; dress竖: vertical; upright; perpendic ...发: hair蓄着小胡子: whiskered沉默蕴蓄着语声: silence will carry your voice like the nest that holds the sleeping birds蓄著: wear酗: 动词[书面语] (沉湎于酒) be given to heavy drinking蓄滞洪区建筑工程技术规范: technical code for constructional engineering in flood dstention basin酗酒: excessive drinking; become drunk and violent; indulge in excessive drinking; hard-drinking; be on the drink 酗酒滋事 get drunk and create a disturbance; make trouble after getting drunk; 酗酒之风正在增长。 the vice of drinking is increasing.; 酗酒者 a great [hard; heavy] drinker 蓄滞洪区安全建设: safety construction of flood storage and retention areas酗酒,醇中毒;酒精中毒: alcoholism蓄志远大: aspire after greatness; have an earnest ambition for sth. high and great酗酒病: dipsopathy蓄志: have long held the ambition