Another hypothesis to the existence of monomineralic evaporites is to assume the existence of separate basins of evaporation . 另一种解释出现单矿物蒸发岩的假说是假定存在分隔的蒸发盆地。
The dark green tints in the south of wales and the gloucestershire area reflect high strontium values associated with evaporites . 位于南威尔士和格洛斯特郡地区的暗绿色反映了与蒸发岩有关的高锶值。
Characteristics of evaporite generated in deep water of sha4 member in dongying sag 东营凹陷沙四段深水成因蒸发岩特征及其与油气藏的关系
This thesis emphasizes to proceed the study on the mechanism of formation of the reservoirs of lower palaeozoic burial hills in the regions of zhuangxi and chengdao from the angle of geochemistry . the research of petrology reveal rock types of the regions mainly include carbonate rock , claystone , siltstone , breccia and a few of evaporite rock 岩石学研究表明,桩西、埕岛地区下古生界古潜山储层的岩石类型有碳酸盐岩、粘土岩、碎屑岩、以及少量蒸发岩,其中碳酸盐岩是该区下古生界古潜山储层最主要的岩石类型,为一种稳定地台型海相沉积环境的产物。