- he-ping jiang
- 蒋: Jiang,a state in the Zhou Dy ...
- 和平: peace
- 蒋和森: jiang hesen
- 和平: 1.(无战争状态) peace 和平解决边界争端 peaceful settlement of a boundary dispute; 和平利用原子能 peaceful utilization of atomic energy; use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes; 和平统一祖国 peaceful reunification of the motherland; 和平与发展两大问题 two major issues of peace and development2.(温和) mild 药性和平。 the medicine is mild.; 和平倡议 peace proposal; 和平地区 peace zone; 和平改革 peaceful social reform; 和平攻势 peace offensive; 和平过渡 peaceful transition; 和平进军 peace march; 和平竞赛 peaceful competition; 和平力量 forces of peace; 和平鸟 fairy blue bird; 和平谈判 peace negotiation; 和平运动 peace movement; 和平中立政策 policy of peace and neutrality; 和平主义 pacifism; 和平主义者 pacifist
- 蔡和平: robert chua