董: direct; superintend; supervi ...监事会: board of supervisors; board ...监事会: board of supervisors; board of visitors应付董监事酬劳: compensation payable to directors and supervisors县监事会议: board of supervisors财达进修学院中国董监事: cdt旧金山市监事会议: san francisco board of supervisors监事: auditing; supervisor国有重点大型企业监事会: board of supervisors for key large sized state owned enterprises; board of supervisors for key large-sized state-owned enterprises国有重点金融机构监事会: board of supervisors for key state owned financial organizations; board of supervisors for key state-owned financial organizations首席监事: chief supervisor事会: las tierras董事会, 理事会: board of directors; governing board董事会,理事会: board of administration; board of directors懂事会,理事会: board noun董事会: 1.(企业的)board of directors2.(学校等的) board of trustees懂事会: board noun干事会: board of directors; steering committee故事会: story telling session理事会: administrative committee; board of administration; board of councillors; board of directodrs; board of directors; board of governors; board of management; general board; governing board; governing council; senate马事会: kra托事会: boardoftrustees乡事会: rural committee董事会,委员会,理事会: board委员会,懂事会,理事会: board