John glenn was a pioneer in space travel 约翰?葛伦是太空施行的先驱者
Reverend glenn silver said it was touching to receive love and care from faraway places and that it was truly a blessing from god 葛伦席佛牧师说,收到来自远方的爱和关心,真是感动,这的确是来自于上帝的恩泽。
The nobel prize for physics goes to french and german scientists whose discoveries have lead to advances in computer storage capacity , and even enabled the ipod 法国科学家费尔特和德国科学家葛伦伯格荣获七年诺贝尔物理学奖,表彰他们对电学科技的杰出贡献。
The red badge of courage , by the american , stephen crane , tells about a young soldier in the war between the states who runs away the first time he is in battle 美国作家史提芬葛伦所写小说, 《红色英勇勋章》 ,就讲述了美国南北战争期间一个年轻的士兵在第一次作战的战场上逃跑。
Hen it s mealtime on board the space shuttle discovery scheduled for launch next week , john glenn won t be sucking applesauce out of a tube like he did on his earth orbit 36 years ago 发现号太空梭预计下个星期发射升空,当约翰葛伦在太空中用餐时,将不会再像他36年前在地球轨道上飞行时,要从导管吸食苹果酱。