落空: come to nothing; fail; fall ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...尝试: try one's hand at大胜的尝试: bravura辉煌的尝试: royal trux艰难的尝试: make effort努力的尝试: vigorous attempt期待落空的: disappointing未成功的尝试: unsuccessful attempt at sth mistake or blunder不大会成功的尝试: a long shot是个很好的尝试: good try but not quite right适得其反的尝试: a counterproductive attempt这事有落空的危险there: is a danger that nothing will come of it建设生态城市的尝试: the ecocity adventure具有历史意义的尝试: historically significant experiment你的尝试是没有效果的: your attempts are futile你总是要给我另外的尝试: you always seem to give me another try他以前的尝试没有成功: his previous attempts had been unsuccessful因此她一次又一次的尝试: so she was trying everything and more勇敢的尝试是成功的一半: a bold attempt is half success落空: come to nothing; fail; fall through 两头落空 fall between two stools; 希望落空 fail to attain one's hope; 打算落了空。 the plan fell through. 这事有落空的危险 。there is a danger that nothing will come of it改进大学英语词汇教学的尝试: attempt to the improvement of college english lexical teaching你永远不会知道我做了多努力的尝试: you'll never know how hard i tried它的尝试和爱我如果你可以: it’s try and love me if you can她总是不断的尝试拉我的手: she would always try and hold my hand