

  • backward group
  • 落后:    fall behind; lag behind
  • 集团:    group; clique; circle; ring; ...
  • 后集:    houji
  • 落后:    1.(落在后面) fall behind; lag behind 落后于时代 behind the times; 谦虚谨慎, 永不落后 ! be modest and prudent, never lag behind! 我的思想老落后于现实。 my thinking always lags behind reality. 上半场主队落后一分。 the home team trailed by one point at half time.2.(不先进) backward 技术落后 backward in technique; 改变山区落后面貌 put an end to the backwardness of the mountainous areas; 落后窗 lag window; 落后地区 backward areas; less developed areas; 落后分子 backward element; 落后角 deviation angle; lag angle; 落后特性 lag characteristic
  • 后集点:    back focus


        落后:    fall behind; lag behind
        集团:    group; clique; circle; ring; ...
        后集:    houji
        落后:    1.(落在后面) fall behind; lag behind 落后于时代 behind the times; 谦虚谨慎, 永不落后 ! be modest and prudent, never lag behind! 我的思想老落后于现实。 my thinking always lags behind reality. 上半场主队落后一分。 the home team trailed by one point at half time.2.(不先进) backward 技术落后 backward in technique; 改变山区落后面貌 put an end to the backwardness of the mountainous areas; 落后窗 lag window; 落后地区 backward areas; less developed areas; 落后分子 backward element; 落后角 deviation angle; lag angle; 落后特性 lag characteristic
        后集点:    back focus
        不落后:    keeup; keeuwith sb/sth
        落后,滞后:    lag
        落后,拖拉…:    be behind in
        落后;拖欠:    fall behind
        落后班:    backward class
        落后兵:    backward pawn
        落后潮:    lagging of tide
        落后窗:    lag window
        落后的:    backward; behindhand; lagged; lagging; slow; straggly; underdeveloped
        落后地:    behindhand; laggingly
        落后角:    angle of lag; angle of retard; deviation angle
        落后性:    backwardness
        落后于:    get behind; lag behind; lag verb
        落后在:    fall behind in
        落后者:    laggard
        延迟, 落后:    be behind
        滞延,落后:    lagging
        攻击后集合编队点:    rally point
        后集控门锁电机:    centralized control lock motor, rear door
        梁山伯祝英台后集:    the butterfly lovers, part two


  1. "落后工业部门"英文
  2. "落后国家"英文
  3. "落后回归"英文
  4. "落后击数,"英文
  5. "落后积, 滞后积"英文
  6. "落后角"英文
  7. "落后角(电)"英文
  8. "落后进度"英文
  9. "落后曲线"英文
  10. "落后染色体"英文


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