“ many a man thinks , what he is ashamed to avow ” ( samuel johnson ) “很多人都考虑过那些他们羞于说出来的事” (萨谬尔?约翰逊) 。
Third , the paper states that the current rmb exchange rate regime basically conforms to the goals of economic development and the requirements for adequate employment , through the analysis of krugman " trilemma " and balassa samuelson " balassa - samuelson hypothesis " in combination with the study of chinese economic development 第三,从分析克鲁格曼的“三元悖论”到巴拉萨-萨谬尔森的“波及效应” ,结合中国自身的经济发展状况,指出我国现行的人民币汇率机制基本上是顺应中国经济增长目标和就业的需要。
萨: a surname谬: wrong; false; absurd; mistak ...尔: you萨谬尔哈地: samuel hardy萨谬尔d英厄姆: samuel delucenna ingham萨谬尔帕斯科: samuel pasco萨谬尔瑟斯顿: samuel royal thurston谬尔: john muir朗谬尔波: langumir朗谬尔规: langmuir gage; langmuir manometer朗谬尔频率: langmuir frequency朗谬尔探针: langmuir type probe朗谬尔振荡: langmuir oscillation列奥谬尔: reaumur rene antoine ferchaul塞谬尔乌尔曼: samuel ullman塞谬尔约翰逊: samuel johnson塞谬尔瓦格斯塔夫: samuel s. wagstaff谬尔树林国家保护区: muir woods national monument萨明: samin萨缅托: sarmiento萨密: samith萨米朱德: sami judeh萨摩: satsuma province萨米占: samidzhan