Mr. assad will think twice before trying to squash christians . 阿萨德先生要彻底摧垮基督教徒尚需三思。
Mrs. saddletree was an observing, shrewd, notable woman . 萨德尔特里太太是位有见识的、精明的、会当家的女人。
Mrs. saddletree was a woman of kindness, nay, of feeling, but not of delicacy . 萨德尔特里太太为人宽厚而富于感情,但细致体贴不够。
This reproach induced mr. saddletree, on all occasions, to assume rather a haughty and stately tone towards his good woman . 这种讥讽使萨德尔特里先生经常用装模作样的腔调对老婆讲话。
Saddletree, who entered immediately afterwards, overwhelmed him with questions, which he answered without understanding them . 随后进来的萨德尔特里铺天盖地问了他许多问题,他却答非所问。
萨德什么意思:[Sade, Marquis de] 原名萨德侯爵多那提安-阿方斯-弗朗索瓦(Donatien-Alphonse-Francois, comte de Sade)。 (1740.6.2,法国 巴黎~1814.12.2,巴黎附近的沙朗通) 法国小说家、哲学家。在七年战争结束后放弃军职。他结婚并卷入同妓女、被他诱拐的当地年轻人之间的放荡与暴虐的性丑闻事件,为此他多次被囚,并因此差点被处死。尽管出身贵族...