He even managed to find a place in arab traditions , especially at saqqara where his tomb is thought to be located 他也可以在阿拉伯上找到,尤其是萨卡拉,那里是他坟墓的所在地。
His burial place has not been found but it has been speculated that it may indeed be at saqqara , possibly in an unattested mastaba 3518 他埋葬的地点至今仍未发现,但推测可能位于萨卡拉,未经证实的古埃及墓室3518 。
In ancient india the terms used to describe zero included pujyam , shunyam , bindu the concept of a void or blank was termed as shukla and shubra 在古代印度,用作描述“零”的术语包括普杰雅,萨雅,表示“空”或“虚无”的术语是萨卡拉和萨巴拉。
Ethnic composition : the population is predominantly derived from arab , african and east indian ancestors . they are cafre , arab , makoas , oimatsaha and sakalava 民族:人口主要来自阿拉伯、非洲和东印度。有卡夫族、阿拉伯族、马高阿族、乌阿马查阿族和萨卡拉瓦族。
He is not only credited as the first pyramid architect , who built djoser ' s step pyramid complex at saqqara , but he may have had a hand in the building of sekhemkhet ' s unfinished pyramid , and also possibly with the establishment of the edfu temple , but that is not certain 他不只是建造了位于萨卡拉的卓瑟王阶梯金字塔,这是第一个出现的金字塔,同时他也可能建造了萨克汗姆克汗未完成的金字塔和艾德福圣堂的建立,但这些都是不确定的。