营造: construct; build人才辈出: Men of talent come out in su ...人尽其才: give full scope to the talen ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...良好: good; fine环境: environment; surroundings; c ...人尽其才的良好环境: foster a favorable climate for talented people to come to the for in large numbers营造人才辈出: foster a favorable climate for talented people to come to the for in large numbers人才辈出: men of talent come out in succession.; able men are coming forward in multitudes.; (of a district) give birth to talented people generation to generation; large numbers of outstanding people come forward.; people of talent coming forth in large numbers人尽其才: give full scope to the talents; everybody was let to display his talents fully.; let everybody fully display his talents [attainments].; the talent of every individual can be turned to good account人尽其才,物尽其用: make the best possible use of men and material人尽其才物尽其用: make the best possible use of men and material人尽其才,地尽其利,物尽其用: Our human,land and material resources can be turned to best account.人尽其才,位得其人: place the right person in the right post so that everyone can do his best人尽其才位得其人: place the right person in the right post so that everyone can do his best良好环境: good environment; sound environment人尽其才地尽其利物尽其用: our human land and material resources can be turned to best account创造良好环境: create a favorable environment吸引人才的环境: enabling environment各尽其才: fwiw营造良好文化环境: create a healthy cultural environment人尽其力: everyone doing his best人尽其责: let every man do his duty.; everyone should do his duty营造良好的文化环境: create a healthy cultural environment人才的成长: human development; trained personnel can make professional progress