The lawsuit seeks to stop zafirovski , 51 , from working for nortel for two years , keep him from hiring motorola employees and prevent him from disclosing confidential information about motorola 摩托罗拉要求法庭裁决,禁止扎菲洛夫斯基两年内为北电服务,禁止他招募摩托罗拉员工,使用或披露摩托罗拉的机密资料。
African universities in two thousand . the carnegie corporation and the ford , macarthur and rockefeller foundations joined to create the partnership for higher education in africa 参与这个新的项目的四个组织在2000年开始合作支持非洲的大学。卡内基公司,福特基金会,麦克阿瑟基金会和洛克菲洛基金会共同协力帮助非洲高等教育。
Remanded , says j . j . one of the bottlenosed fraternity it was went by the name of james wought alias saphiro alias spark and spiro , put an ad in the papers saying he d give a passage to canada for twenty bob 一个叫作詹姆斯沃特,又名萨菲洛,又名斯帕克与斯皮罗的酒糟鼻联谊会328成员在报纸上登广告说,只消出二十先令,他就售给一张赴加拿大的船票。
Before working at motorola , zafirovski spent 20 years in executive positions at general electric co . , including as president - ceo of five of its subsidiaries . zafirovski is replacing former u . s . admiral bill owens as nortel ' s ceo 在2003年摩托罗拉的首席执行官格里斯退休时,扎菲洛夫斯基曾被认为是首席执行官的热门人选,但董事会最终选择了前美国太阳微系统公司总裁桑德尔。