Morning departure for kelowna . a visit to the jammery and the planet bee are among our itinerary of the day 早上于指定地点集后出发,途中欣赏菲沙河谷优美之秋冬景色。
Leaving the beautiful rockies scenery behind , our tour will take a brief stop at the old mining town of three valley gap , then well proceed to the industrial city of kamloops where well visit a ginseng farm their processing plant before returning to vancouver 早上沿一号高速公路西行,途经风景优美之三峡谷,船之湖及菲沙河谷,再绕行汤逊河。于锦禄市午膳后,即参观当地著名之花旗参种植场。于傍晚时份返抵温哥华。