The cranstons and finchleys were in the main a thorn in the flesh of the remainder of the elite of lycurgus-too showy and too aggressive . 克化斯顿家和芬琪雷家,是菜科格斯其余有身分的人中的眼中钉:太喜欢出风头,太气焰逼人。
Family . native to the tropical and subtropical regions , the deciduous tree grows abundantly in india and is known as the pride of india 大叶紫薇又名洋紫薇,千屈菜科,为生长于热带和亚热带的落叶乔木,盛产于印度,故此亦被称为印度之光。
Heteranthery exists in several angiosperm families , such as melastomataceae , solanaceae , lytbraceae , leguminosae and pontederiaceae , but the aspects and extent of differentiation often vary in taxa 异型雄蕊在野牡丹科、茄科、千屈菜科、豆科、雨久花科等多个科中都有分布,但其分化与程度常随类群而异。