获得: acquire; gain; obtain; win; ...劳动: bother; trouble报酬: reward; remuneration; pay的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...权利: right; interest获得公平优裕报酬的权利: right to just and favorable remuneration劳动报酬: labour reward; payment of labour; remuneration of labour获得……的权利: entitlement to劳动的权利: right to labor补偿劳动报酬: compensation for living labour家庭劳动报酬: family labor earnings劳动报酬递减: decreasing returns to labor劳动报酬管理: salary and wage administration劳动报酬基金: labour recompense fund劳动报酬制度: scheme of payments同工同酬的权利: right to equal pary for equal work补偿活劳动报酬: compensation to living labor; compensationtolivinglabor扩大劳动报酬差别: broaden the difference in labour remuneration劳动报酬委员会: remuneration committee逐步提高劳动报酬: gradually increase payment for labour报酬的: compensational; compensative获得补偿的权利: entitlement to receive compensation依普通法获得的权力, 依习惯法获得的权利: common-law right报酬的说明: account of return无报酬的: rewardless; unremunerative