On the afternoon of nov . 14 , bp amoco holds the 1st news conference in white swan hotel , seeking business opportunities . ( 2000 . 11 . 14 ) 14日下午,在广州白天鹅宾馆,阿莫科石油集团举行首个新闻发布会,寻找商机
The new bp , an oil major formed mainly by four heritage companies of former british petroleum , amoco , arco and castrol , has business operation in 105 countries all over the world , supported by a complete set of business system 目前的bp公司由前英国石油、阿莫科、阿科和嘉实多4家公司为主整合重组而成,业务遍及全球105个国家,有一套完善的业务体系。
For example , in 1997 bp was the first major oil company to invest in russia and in 2003 , it created russia s third largest oil company - tnk - bp ; in 1998 , bp took the lead by fusing with amoco , precipitating the new wave of oil mergers ; in 1999 , bp was the first to establish gas & power business unit 如在1997年率先进军俄罗斯并于2003年与秋明( tnk )合资成立俄罗斯的第三大石油公司; 1998年率先在与阿莫科公司合并,由此引发了全球能源行业的重组浪潮; 1999年率先成立天然气和发电业务部门等。
Far from doing anything of the sort , he used his power to select out of all the various courses open to him the stupidest and most pernicious of all . of all the different things napoleon might have donespending the winter in moscow , going to petersburg , going to nizhni - novgorod , going back a little more to the north or to the south , by the road kutuzov afterwards tookno course one can imagine could have been more ruinous for his army as the sequel proved than the one napoleon actually did adopt ; that is , the course of staying in moscow till october , letting the troops plunder the town , then in hesitation leaving a garrison behind , marching out of moscow , going to meet kutuzov and not giving battle , turning to the right and going as far as maley yaroslavets , again refusing to risk a battle , and finally retreating , not by the road kutuzov had taken , but by mozhaisk and the smolensk route through devastated country 可供拿破仑选择的道路有:在莫科斯过冬,向彼得堡进军,向下诺夫哥罗德进军,向北或者向南库图佐夫后来所走的那条路撤退,可是,再也想不出比拿破仑做的更愚蠢更有害的事了,那就是,在莫斯科停留到十月底,任由部队抢劫这个城市,后来,又动摇不定是否留下守备队,就退出了莫斯科,接近了库图佐夫,却不进行战斗,接着转向右方,走近小雅罗斯拉维茨,又失掉了试行突破的机会,不走库图佐夫走的那条大路,而沿着被破坏了的斯摩棱斯克大路向莫扎伊斯克退却,结果证明,再也想不出比这更愚蠢对军队更有害的事情了。