药房: drugstore; chemist's shop; p ...常备: be always on the alert; be e ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...药房常备药物: officinal medication常备的: standing; stationary房常: fusatsune常备的布景配置: standing sets常备: be always on the alert; be ever prepared◇常备成本 standing cost; 常备军 standing army; standing troops; standing force; 常备库存 running stock药房: 1.(医药商店) drugstore; chemist's shop; pharmacy; officina2.(医院或诊所里的药房) hospital pharmacy; dispensary常备舱: ready stowage常备军: a standing army; regular army; stationary常备煤: permanent bunker coal常备品: permanent stores(美)药房: pharmacy(英)药房: chemist’s shop草药房: herbalist's stalls宁药房: guardian pharmacy配药房: di e ary; dispensary去药房: going to the pharmacy西药房: dispensary for western medicine; pharmacy/dispensary药房,药局: officina药房,药学: pharmacy药房的: officinal药房剪: apothecary scissors药房烟: drug store blends