药学: pharmacy多: many; much; more选题: selected topic; selection of ...多选题: mcq; multiple choice选题: selected topic; selection of a subject多选: multiselect药学: pharmacy◇药学院 pharmaceutical college多选类: spfieldmultichoice重大选题: major development projects多选公司: mih全年选题范围: subject area博学多才: be a brilliant man of wide learning; learned and capable [versatile]; be of great learning and great ability博学多能: having extensive learning and great capacity [abilities]博学多闻: be wealthy [rich] in knowledge; very learned and well-informed多学多面体: polygon mirror光学多面体: polygon mirror遗传学多型: hereditary polymorphism多选择调查表: multiple-choice questionnaire你有很多选择: you have many choices草药学: herb lore; herbalists; herbology核药学: nuclear pharmacy魔药学: potions农药学: agricultural pharmacology; pesticide science配药学: pharmaceutics; pharmacy生药学: pharmacognostica; pharmacognostics; pharmacognosy, pharmacognosia