The effect on display characteristic made by thermal deformations of the shadow mask is comprehensively investigated . by using the electron beam distribution automatic measurement system with a micro - deflective coil , a concave spot in luminance distribution can be get . it changes its position when the shadow mask changes its form 本文系统全面地分析了传统荫罩的各类热变形对显示屏特性的影响,利用本文研制的电子束亮度分布自动测试系统,附加一个微偏转磁场,使相邻两电子束打在同一颜色的荧光粉条,并形成一个亮度凹点,当荫罩变形时,凹点位置作相应的位移,以此原理跟踪测量凹点位移量,即可得到色纯漂移动态变化曲线。