荒唐: absurd; fantastic; preposter ...镜: looking glass; mirror五: five斗: fight; tussle陈: lay out; put on display stat ...梦: dream吉: lucky; auspicious; propitiou ...陈梦吉斗荒唐镜: chan mung-kat versus fong-tong keng荒唐镜扭死官: how fong tong-geng exasperated the government official陈梦吉计破脂粉阵: carry on con men扭计祖宗陈梦吉: ss)(two con men; two con men荒唐镜三气胭脂马: how fong tong-geng thrice tricked the unruly girl五斗: goto荒唐: 1.(荒谬) absurd; fantastic; preposterous; grossly exaggerated 荒唐可笑 ridiculous; absurd; 荒唐透顶 absolutely ridiculous; 荒唐无稽 frivolous and unfounded; mystic; 荒唐得令人厌恶 detestably absurd; 预言明天太阳将不会升起是荒唐可笑的。 it is ridiculously absurd to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow.2.(放荡) dissipated; loose; intemperate 荒唐的生活 a dissipated life烟斗陈: pipe chen陈梦白: mengbai chen陈梦家: chen mengjia陈梦熊: chen mengxiong五斗橱: commode; dresser/chest of drawers五斗柜: chest of drawers五斗米: rice five五斗柜;衣柜(美): chest of drawers五斗米道: five pecks of rice rebellion子母五斗橱: chest-on-chest对荒唐: a sense of the absurd ridiculous etc