荒唐: absurd; fantastic; preposter ...四: four怪: strange; odd; queer; peculia ...侠: chivalrous swordsman荒唐四怪侠-下集: four crazy heroes怪侠: the vanished heroine荒唐: 1.(荒谬) absurd; fantastic; preposterous; grossly exaggerated 荒唐可笑 ridiculous; absurd; 荒唐透顶 absolutely ridiculous; 荒唐无稽 frivolous and unfounded; mystic; 荒唐得令人厌恶 detestably absurd; 预言明天太阳将不会升起是荒唐可笑的。 it is ridiculously absurd to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow.2.(放荡) dissipated; loose; intemperate 荒唐的生活 a dissipated life怪侠赤屠龙: the strange hero conquered the dragon怪侠独眼龙: the strange hero, one-eye dragon怪侠多罗罗: dororo怪侠飞天龙: flying dragon, the strange hero怪侠粉菊花: the strange hero fen juhua怪侠金丝猫: golden cat怪侠燕子飞: the strange hero 'flying swallow'怪侠一枝梅: now you see me now you don’t; the fantastic knight; the vigilante in the mask; the vigilante inthe mask渔叉怪侠: strange knight对荒唐: a sense of the absurd ridiculous etc废话, 荒唐: tommy rot荒唐,谬论: absurdity荒唐的: absurd; chimeric; cock-and-bull; cockeyed; flimflam; folly; rich; wanton荒唐地: fabulously; ungodly荒唐事: folly; rubbish荒唐不经: be a wild legend; unbelievable; fantastic; absurd and unreasonable荒唐的比拟: absurd parallel荒唐的计划: a cockeyedschemee