

发音:   用"草率通过"造句
  • railroad 短语和例子
  • 使议案在国会草率通过:    railroad a bill through congress
  • 草率:    (粗枝大叶, 敷衍了事) careless; perfunctory; rash; haste 草率地完成 shuffle through; 他总是草率行事。 he behaves in a brash way. 我们不应草率下结论, 还是先调查一下吧。 we should not jump to conclusions. let's investigate first
  • 草率,敷衍:    perfunctory
  • 草率的:    careless; cursory - painstakingly thorough; hasty; hurried; jerry; perfunctory; rash; wholesale
  • 草率地:    curtly; hastily


  1. The chairman railroaded the plan through the committee


        使议案在国会草率通过:    railroad a bill through congress
        草率:    (粗枝大叶, 敷衍了事) careless; perfunctory; rash; haste 草率地完成 shuffle through; 他总是草率行事。 he behaves in a brash way. 我们不应草率下结论, 还是先调查一下吧。 we should not jump to conclusions. let's investigate first
        草率,敷衍:    perfunctory
        草率的:    careless; cursory - painstakingly thorough; hasty; hurried; jerry; perfunctory; rash; wholesale
        草率地:    curtly; hastily
        杂草率:    the rate of weeds
        通过:    1.(从一端到另一端) pass through; get past; traverse 通过边境 pass the frontier; 通过城镇 pass through a city; 通过障碍物 break the barriers; 一慢二看三通过。 pay attention to traffic safety; slow down, look around and then go ahead. 代表们通过大厅进入会场。 the delegates entered the assembly hall by way of the lobby.2.(同意议案) adopt; pass; carry 通过决议 adopt a resolution; pass a resolution; 提案以压倒多数通过。the motion was passed by an overwhelming majority.3.(以人、事物等为媒介) by means of; by way of; by; through 通过外交途径 through diplomatic channels; 通过协商取得一致 reach unanimity through consultation; 通过正当手段 by fair means4.(征得有关人员同意) ask the consent or approval of 通过群众 consult the masses
        峰比率通道:    peak-ratio channel
        功率通带:    power bandwidth
        功率通量:    power flow
        频率通道:    frequency channel
        双频率通路:    two-frequency channel
        草率处决:    summary execution
        草率从事:    do one's work in a careless manner; act rashly [in haste]; act without due consideration; get a thing carelessly; do a job carelessly [perfunctorily]; engage in anything hastily and without proper deliberation [rashly; perfunctorily]; go about... casually; go it blind
        草率从事的:    giddy-headed
        草率的工作:    slapdash work
        草率的检查:    a casual inspection
        草率的人:    giddyhead
        草率地判断:    prejudication
        草率地完成:    shuffle through
        草率地做:    1.(匆忙地做) scamp2.(轻率地做) slobber
        草率建筑:    jerry-build
        草率决定:    jumto a conclusion
        草率了事:    huddle up [through]; dispose of a matter carelessly
        草率完工的井:    contractor's hole
        草率收兵:    withdraw [recall] troops in a careless way -- hastily to declare the matter closed; call off a battle perfunctorily; declare the matter closed before it is thoroughly settled; wind up (the struggle) in a hurry


  1. "草率匹配多后悔"英文
  2. "草率拼凑"英文
  3. "草率评价"英文
  4. "草率轻浮"英文
  5. "草率收兵"英文
  6. "草率完工的井"英文
  7. "草率行事"英文
  8. "草率性行为"英文
  9. "草率作决定"英文
  10. "草绿"英文


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