- cursive
- 草书: characters executed swiftly ...
- 原稿: manuscript; original pattern ...
- 草书: (笔划相连, 写起来很快的汉字字体) (in chinese calligraphy) characters executed swiftly and with strokes flowing together; rapid cursive style of writing; grass writing; running hand; cursive script; grass script
- 原稿: manuscript; original pattern; original manuscript; master copy 原稿架 copy holder; 打字原稿 typewritten manuscript; 把原稿退回给某人 reject the manuscript to sb.; 对原稿进行润笔[色] polish the original; 原稿将于下月初付印。 the manuscript will go to press early next month
- 本草书: chinese materia medica; herbal medicine; herbal science