英语: English拟声词: onomatopoetic word的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...理: texture; grain据: occupy; seize和: mix; blend认知: cognition; -gnosis策略: tactics a surname英语拟声词的修辞功能与翻译技巧: rhetorical functions and translation technics of english onomatopoeic words认知策略: cognitive strategy元认知策略: metacognitive strategy认知策略与英语词汇习得研究: a study of cognitive strategies and english vocabulary acquisition写作认知策略教学: csiw拟声词: onomatopoeia; onomatopoeic word元认知策略在英语专业学生听力理解中的应用: a study of the application of metacognitive strategy in listening comprehension of english majors英语动物拟声词及其翻译: on the english animal onomatopoeia and its translation日语拟声拟态词的语义特征: semantic features of onomatopoeic words in japanese略论汉语文学作品中拟声词的英译: on chinese-english translation of imitative words in chinese literary works英汉拟声词的修辞功能与互译: rhetorical function and translation of onomatopoeia between english and chinese英语拟声法及其在汉英翻译中的运用: onomatopoeia and its using in chinese-english translation模仿词, 拟声词, 摹声词: imitative word感知策略: perceptual strategy英语法律语言模糊语的存在理据和适用范围: reasons and applying field of vague expressions in legal english小品词的隐喻理据: particles and metaphors知策: chisaku